Here’s a little showcase of some of the projects (as opposed to libraries) that I’ve worked on or am currently working on. More coming soon!
If you’re looking for libraries you should check out the Open Source section.
Jake's Video Party
Shortly after the lockdown(s) as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak I found myself in a lot of video calls with friends, family, and colleagues. Although Zoom seemed to work quite nicely for work, my friends and I really struggled to find a free group video chat that was easy to setup and didn't have a horrible user interface or poor video quality... so in my usual spirit, I wrote my own. Go check it out. It's free and easy. I originally intended to add screen sharing and a lot of other features. Hopefully I'll have some time soon. Regardless, we still use it regularly, and it does just fine.
Async - Website
Async is an inclusive web tech meetup based in Brighton, UK. Although I didn't build the original Async website, in 2019 I was responsible for a complete rebrand in an attempt to appeal to a more diverse audience - new logo, color scheme, fonts, and completely re-styled the website. This rebrand spans the entire Async community including their Slack, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
Async - Ask The Brains
Async is an inclusive web tech meetup based in Brighton, UK. It holds many different flavors of meetup including "Ask The Brains". Ask The Brains is a discussion evening where people from the community propose topics, vote for their favorites, and then spend some time discussing the most popular ones. After the COVID-19 outbreak we were unable to host any more in-person meetups which made organizing an Ask The Brains session rather difficult. In order to resolve this I built an Ask The Brains app which allowed people to submit topics, topics to be audited by the organizers, people to vote on their favorites, and then displayed the most popular topics of the evening allowing the organizers to highlight the current topic and mark topics as completed. Unfortunately you won't be able to see it in action unless you come along to the next Ask The Brain meetup.
Brighton Brains
Brighton Brains is a site that was started by DabApps to "[bring] together the creative and digital communities of Brighton and Hove". The original site was a single HTML file with some static assets - nice and simple, but not incredibly easy to maintain. In 2019 I decided to (almost) completely re-write the site using Jekyll - a static site generator. With this re-write I re-styled the site to give it that modern look, audited the content for no-longer-existent meetups, and added a ton more meetups that had arisen since the original site was first published.
CardMedic is an app created by Phil Smith (no relation) to allow frontline healthcare workers to better communicate with their patients through their protective gear. In 2020 I volunteered to help with the development of the app, that was originally created in just 10 days. This was more of a code review and clean up than anything, along with some stricter type enforcement and linting rules. My part on the development of the app did not add any new features, but should help with the maintainability of the app and prevent potential future bugs.
Particle Emitters
Okay, this isn't really a project, but more a collection of little pointless projects that I created as part of Brighton Generator - a creative coding meetup. I think they're cool. I hope you enjoy them.
Flocking With Age
Not really a project, but really satisfying. Just go stare at this for a while and chill out. So relaxing. Like watching little fish swim around.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
More coming soon! Watch this space.